
Dream Setting:

At my mothers house in the country and then on to town to find the police.

My Dream:

I was at my mothers house and we kept hearing a pack of wolves. They were really loud and numerous. They were right in our back yard it seemed. We noticed a man walking down the road wearing all white. My mother lives pretty far into the country so it is very unusual to see someone walking down the road unless they are in need of help. So he passes the house and doesn’t even look in the that direction. He just keeps on walking. After  my mother assumed he was gone we all walked out to the street to look down it, to see how far he went. He had gone only a couple hundred feet. We saw him strapped to a chair on the opposite side of the road, facing our second driveway. The driveway that leads into our back yard. Of course we were shocked and confused. We approached and asked him if he was alright. He told us that he was perfectly fine, but he would appreciate our help. He asked us to go into the house and bring out anything sharp, and hard, something we would use for protection. He told us to each bring two things and some for him and return just before dusk. He was waiting as bait for the wolves and he wanted us to help wack and attack them. I guess he wasn’t tightly tied to the chair because when he wolves came he was easily able to slither out of his bonds (I wonder what he would have done without our help, he had no weapon). So just after dusk the wolves came crawling out of the woods. They took the bait. As they were approaching something crazy happened! They turned into human forms!!! They were much slower than healthy humans should be so we assumed they were zombie like werewolves. That is the best we could come up with. We started out battle and “fought” until my broom stick failed me. I yelled “retreat” and we all ran back toward the house. We needed something better than brooms and shovels. I thought we were only going to try and shoo the wolves away, scare them into moving on. Turned out that we needed to eliminate them. We all got back in the house, even the stranger and looked for knives and machete’s and guns. We headed back outside and we found 5 different ‘families’ of these werewolf/zombies. We wondered if any of them were friendly so we would ask them before we slashed them. There were so many of them that we once again had to retreat to the house, this time for our safety. They were swarming and ripping the house apart. The back door was especially difficult to defend and as we tried to run in and slam it they got their arms in and we could not shut it. One zombie female got it and said that she was a friendly but sacrificed coming in because she knew that if she didn’t she would be left to die on her own for not being like the others. She asked me to slit her throat, I tried but had bad aim and just got her forehead and eyes. I don’t think zombies feel pain… We were surrounded. They were coming in the back and the front doors and knocking on windows. We had to get out of there. There was a little boy with us about 10 years old. My two sisters were home but my mother had left for work. My younger sister ran out and got in her car and escaped. It was now just me, my youngest  sister, this little boy, and the stranger. I told my sister to run and get in the jeep, she said would but she would not drive it. It was a stick shift. I turned to follow her and noticed the little boy had been snatched up. I had to rescue him. I came in slashing and grabbed the boy and ran. The zombies were on our heals the whole time. I yelled for my sister open the jeep door as we approached and I threw the boy in. The stranger jumped in the other side and I in the driver side. I tore out of there as we knocked over and ran over some zombies. My plan was to find the police station and tell them what was going on. We needed the national guard or something! I drove right into the police station, one of the bay doors was opened. At first they wanted to be on the defense but I yelled, “we need your help. We need your help!” They relaxed and we all jumped out. Out came with us our dog, we didn’t even notice him and had totally forgotten about him. The dog started barking at the little boy, who had green spiky hair. At once the green spiky hair jumped off his head and turned into a small child zombie. The cops were surprised, as were we. The zombie ran into a large pipe thing and into the sewer. We all chased after it. We ended up coming out pretty dry and we got the zombie so we felt triumphant. We explained what was going on to the police and showed them the zombie. It was in their hands now. We got back in the jeep and called my other sister to make sure she got away ok. As I was on the phone the stranger noticed some odd behavior about our dog. It turns out that the dog had gotten scratched or something and had robot like buttons on his belly. If we cranked his leg it made a noise similar to a slot machine at a casino and his buttons would light up. My sister was ok. We all made it out alive, and we had a new robot dog.